Monday, December 12, 2016

Student Work

   A student work that I am proud is the lab project for Biology Lab 1 because my group and I all were fans of Doctor Who, and were able to be to coordinate a project that tested how well a sonic screwdriver works based on distance. We came up with what planet this would take place on as well as what the problem was for this experiment because of this space bomb would destroy every living organism on the planet, however not destroy the planet. This is where the sonic screwdriver came into play because the distance away from the bomb would either regenerate the bomb or degenerate. We even acted like we just got done with a adventure with the Doctor (who is the main character of Doctor Who).

Social Justice Series

So this was the day that Rose Jacobs-Gibson came to Notre Dame de Namur University. We had to listen about social justice in San Mateo county, and the future buildings that are coming. Gibson talked about how she started her career in the political world, and how social justice is important in every aspect. She went on to talk about the problems of youth gun violence and the future jail that is going to be built as well as the whole outline of how many rooms there are going to be, and what procedures are going to occur. She was also telling the students how different this jail would be from others.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Research Conference

This conference happened on Thursday, November 3rd. What I learned from the conference was how interlinked many of our pods were. For example, the connection between the self-esteem and growth vs fixed mindset. The extent that I learned from my peers is that cooperative allows us to explore ideas, and be able to communicate more with one another to help each other succeed. I was not a part of the audience, but I was a presenter. Part of me was really nervous, yet the presentation was not mine alone, so I think that helped calm me down a little. Questions got me nervous again, but I surprised myself on how I myself answered the questions as well as my peers who did a good job themselves on presenting and everyone that contributed.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Call to Action Day

Tuesday. October 11, 2016. This is probably one of the most memorable moments so far of Freshmen year. What I learned and valued about as its called "service" is that you do not only think about yourself, but I found myself being more open-minded and almost found being stress-relieved because kids are some of the most honest people that a person can meet. That service is broad and cannot be more only defined to one "act" and "task". I went on a boat at sea aka the Marine Science Institute with fifth graders from Ravenswood. In a way that this day developed a meaningful connection with the community is because alumni got to leave campus and experience a different environment as well as a much younger group, one that is definitely more interesting. We were not surrounded by people that were college students or soon to be grads, but individuals with a knowledge that is barely at the brink of expanding. Students that were tiny, but mighty and unafraid of asking questions and showed creativity that most adults would probably have trouble coming up with, but to the children it was as easy as five min, a whiteboard, and markers. I liked working with kids because I do plan to go to medical school, and become a pediatrician so this was a nice experience to enhance my college knowledge and awareness of how to work with kids.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Volleyball Game 9/24

So I went to a volleyball game today. The team ended up losing to Azusa Pacific. The game was overall interesting to watch, but there is some things that even I can tell the the volleyball team could have worked on. Such things are dives, and not hesitating to spike.

Block party

The Block party at NDNU was overall an okay experience. I mean, yes, I did get to have a snow cone, and have my face drawn up as a cartoon which was awesome. But I feel like there could have been something extra more besides the things that were offered.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Fixed mindset

I was recently reflecting about what I have a fixed mindset about... I have a fixed mindset about me being bad at math and I can fix this with a growth mindset is simply by saying believing that I can improve myself at math. Or whenever that fixed mindset is talking, I can just add the word "yet". For example, "I am not good at math, yet". So instead of shutting myself down, I can gradually work myself up to have a growth mindset.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Which Hallmark am I?

For NDNU, there is specific hallmarks and each have unique traits to them. For example, Hallmark one is a person making decisions based on gospel values. I personally think that based on the person I am is Hallmark three because people of this hallmark believe in justice and learning with civic and social interactions. I can be very social and I always like to make grounded and reasonable decisions.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


 Recently,  I experienced on what was called a Golden Fleece week before school officially started at NDNU. I thought it was a good way to get used to campus, knowing what is on campus. and what resources were available for students to access. I also thought it allowed us to get to know other Freshmen.