Monday, December 12, 2016

Student Work

   A student work that I am proud is the lab project for Biology Lab 1 because my group and I all were fans of Doctor Who, and were able to be to coordinate a project that tested how well a sonic screwdriver works based on distance. We came up with what planet this would take place on as well as what the problem was for this experiment because of this space bomb would destroy every living organism on the planet, however not destroy the planet. This is where the sonic screwdriver came into play because the distance away from the bomb would either regenerate the bomb or degenerate. We even acted like we just got done with a adventure with the Doctor (who is the main character of Doctor Who).

Social Justice Series

So this was the day that Rose Jacobs-Gibson came to Notre Dame de Namur University. We had to listen about social justice in San Mateo county, and the future buildings that are coming. Gibson talked about how she started her career in the political world, and how social justice is important in every aspect. She went on to talk about the problems of youth gun violence and the future jail that is going to be built as well as the whole outline of how many rooms there are going to be, and what procedures are going to occur. She was also telling the students how different this jail would be from others.